Inspired by light, passion and mystery. All images are copy-writed to myself, unless stated otherwise. No images may be used without consent.

Posts tagged ‘Frames’

Day 8 Buying Frames for my Images

For my picturing the body series of images, I’m using three images of my shoulders in black and white. I  bought really nice white wooden frames for £8 each for them. They will not take away from the images and draw the viewer’s attention to the pictures not the frames. The frames were quite expensive, but I think they will look good on the white walls of the gallery and enhance my images. The images being black and white, I needed to get simple frames so that they wouldn’t draw the viewer’s eye away from my pictures.

For my Lego images, the series of 7 images inspired by the seven deadly sins, I wanted to buy simple glass frames. So the images could look like they only had glass in front of them. I chose clip frames and made sure my images would fit perfectly so that they still look professional. All 8 frames (one spare just in case) cost me just over £5 which I thought was really good for the nice frames.  I didn’t want any wood at the sides of the frames because I want the viewers to be able to see the entire photographs and see them as a set, not individual images.

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